#COMM2532# 2. Individual peer review blog post


  1. #Treasure on Trip#

The group of #Treasure on Trip# focused on essential stuffs when people traveling. During this project, they did a relatively comprehensive research about picking different people as interviewees to collect answers, and their questions was quite representative.


“What”: What is your essential travel stuff?

“Why”: Why is it so important?



They chose a very interesting topic that may become a very practical life-hacks-style account on social media. Additionally, the content on their Instagram and Facebook accounts are very colourful and eye-catching, meanwhile, also very informative as well. When people browsing their page, viewers can enjoy two things at once: some sweet travel stories from strangers, and also learns packaging hacks from them.



Speaking of flaws in their program, I noticed that they barely have videos to illustrate their concept. Video is increasingly significant in nowadays media industry, viewers may don’t have patience and time to read words about one idea or an actual product. In that, video is the best way to introduce one particular value, and shorten the distance between sellers and buyers. The group of Treasure on Trip mainly provided many photos and background stories on their social media page, however, there was no interviewees appealed in the photo. It will lead viewers to doubt the authenticity of their information and also question their expertness.



I totally understand the difficulty of filming an interview. In the meanwhile, what they need to do to become more competitive is to produce more video contents. And it also can prove the authenticity of their cute stories.

I will suggest them just use phone to record their interview. I believe that any kind of videos all can really delight their posts and promote their program achieve a wider influence.


  1. #Sex talks RMIT2018#

This is one of the most impressive projects in this semester. Topic picking is vital. Picking a sensitive topic normally will stimulate viewers’ interest to explore the content effectively. In the meanwhile, viewers are also become stricter with the sensitive topic. The higher expectation, the higher disappointment.

Personally, I think Sex talks RMIT2018 did a great job.

Sex is not a “thing” that we still keep avoiding to talk and discuss publicly in the contemporary era. People should become more confident to talk about sex. Besides that, woman should become more independent.

This is what I learned from them.


They filmed many fantastic interviews and also posted some female protests in the world on their social media to support their concept, which were very persuasive and powerful.

Firstly, in videos, they encouraged interviewees feel free to talk about sex. Questions in interviews are targeted and straightforward. The vibe during interviews were serious and also in a funny way.

Additionally, the protests and slogans they chose on their posts are very powerful.

Gender equality and healthy sex discussion are unitive existed among their posts. As a viewer, it is a pleasant and also educational experience of viewing their social media posts.


Their website looks fabulous to me. After I viewing their posts on social media, I tend to find some professional sex suggestions from an academic professional. However, I didn’t find that part of content in their videos.


If I have to say anything about their future improvement, it will be better to have someone professional in their videos and provide some knowledges about sex disease prevention, such as STD, HIV, and some practical reproduction health tips in normal life.