#COMM2532# 1. Practice-led research blog post

Besides editing our final digital story video, I also took the charge of analysing the target audience in the early period.

Editing is fine, after filming plan is made and interviewees are decided, I became the host of our interview. In that, editing is not hard due to my fully engagement.

However, dealing with the segment of analysing target audience in the project is completely new to me, and it does widen my perspective of contemporary business running model.

The power of mass media that did to contemporary business marketing is glaringly. There are more than 75% of modern companies tend to leverage on the power of social media to extend their business landscape. (1.) Undoubtedly, traditional commercial marketing relied on sending promotion products or Emails to inform their potential customers in the market, whereas the modern business can collect users’ data, and fashionable social trend easily just via social-media.

We focused on young people in Melbourne city as our target audience at the very initial phase. With the development of our online and offline activities, we found that narrowing down our range of target audience can achieve a better social effect. The more specific, the more effective it is. This is what I learned from this task. We adjusted our attention, from all young generation to students who study in RMIT city campus. From that, we obtained a much more smooth and productive media practice experience and social attention.

Just as mentioned in Top Tip: Using Your Target Audience to Inform Your Choice in Social Media, (Mollett 2017) there is impossible to create a “product” that can win the favour among all groups in the sociality. Therefore, clarify a detailed age or geographical groups as targeted audience may really help a media product gains more attention as it is released.

Additionally, in the present age, a clear straightforward audience positioning not only offers companies effective method to expand commercial influence, in addition, due to the factor of Web 2.0, the interaction between sellers and buyers also provides customers a channel to express how they feel, and what they need. (Mollett 2017.) In that, businesses can save tons of money of marketing research, and produce based on their royalty customers.

Although a narrow audience positioning can benefit the implementation of marketing strategy, what business runners have to conquer is the limitation of public influence. If we have a future opportunity of media practice, we should explore more specific contents which are targeted to one particular audience in the public, and also can relate to other social issues, which may cause a wider social influence. In that, our project will achieve a higher level.



  1. ‘Use of Semantic Co-relation in Target Audience Profiling’, 2013, 2013 Fourth Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Systems (GCIS), 2013 Fourth Global Congress on, Intelligent Systems (GCIS), 2010 Second WRI Global Congress on, p. 234.
  2. Mollett, A. 2017, Top tip: using your target audience to inform your choice in social media, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, , [Accessed 30 May 2018], doi: 10.4135/9781526434944.



  • Links to  Digital Story social media accounts:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/snacktime2018/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snacktime2018/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Snacktime2018 

  • Link to your digital story (website / YouTube Channel / any other platform you may have used)

Website: https://hannieyu98.wixsite.com/snacktime

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHe6mDwr8cQHY_4uLLahVqw/featured

  • Link to social media campaign details PDF file:

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/16dq3EiRD_ZG91ct2062xUkEAuNP2OAwf


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